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Osgyányi Sára

She lives and works in Budapest. The topics expressing the personal credo behind her work are the themes of motherland, homecountry, Hungary, and home. Her works of art record the scenes of her own life. She is concerned with human fate, the loss and finding of paths. The basic spiritual essence, which is the foundation of her art is experiencing the „way out”, the solution, „the way leading out” in a broader sense of the words. In her paintings bright roads or roads leading to light can be seen in many forms: heavens reflected on earth in railway tracks of railway stations, reflecting rails of Budapest streets, reflecting roads, bridges, reflective waters, or sailboats travelling on the routes of water.

Osgyányi Sára works

Közraktár utca, Szabadság híd este

Budapest, Vámház krt Szabadság híd

73-as troli a Szondi utcában

Vázlatos Nyugati tér I.

Barátság, nappal és éjszaka az égbolt kertjében